Fun with Flowers and the Vault at the Noble

Some venues have such unique places for flowers.  We had a blast designing this piece for the vault at the Noble!  We incorporated the fall tones of the wedding with roses, snapdragons, disbuds, delphinium & autumn greenery.  The vault flower piece was used as a backdrop for formal pictures (some a little silly), as well as a focal point during the reception.  Guests were able to enjoy taking selfies with the vault & flowers throughout the night.  What are your thoughts about this embellishment?  Let us know your thoughts in the comments! 

Images: Lion of the Valley

Venue: The Noble

Comments 5

  1. Love this idea and those flowers!

  2. I can’t get enough of the flowers and greenery on the vault! Stunning!

  3. The chocolate orchid boutonnière on the groom…smashing! And his green jacket. Well done!

  4. The oblong shape of that peach and burgundy bouquet is fabulous! This venue looks luxe!

  5. This is amazing! How creative.

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